Its exciting news now.

Yes !! Its exciting news now.

Recently i talked to Adrien Lourdelle , FX Technical Director .
 he worked in various projects e.q. Prince Of Persia : The Sands of Time, Angels and Demons, Arthur and the revenge of Malthazard, Babylone. and worked on  SFX (cloth dynamics particles, script) Rigging and Modeling, VFX supervision. 2D/3D incrustations.
                                   i saw his reel and really liked , and talked, praising him for his work, i ask what tool he used how he do it all ?.... so he replied 
so here i show you, Take a look. and visit his website( ) to see his reel and more works, so inspiring indeed. 

here's his reply-------

 Adrien Lourdelle
to me


 I was moving from a country to another ...
Thanks for your email, It's a pleasure to be a source of inspiration.
Concerning the tool I used to make those effects, most of the time it's based on commercial softwares like Maya.
I also used some internal tools for scripting and for Fluids simulations.
Those works have been done in 2 different companies : BUF ( and Double Negative (


3ds MAX to Maya

3dmax to Maya                                                            


Title name

i thought to change head image so i made this. how's it ?
name made in 3d software, compose and colored on AE. 

So You call yourself a designer/motion graphic/vfx artist ?

Soooooo..........You call yourself a designer/motion graphic/vfx artist ?

take a minute to think and see THIS.

see in Full volume and full screen. ENJOY !!

element intro preview (LQ)

what happened ?

Dont Forget to comment ..

few more but not like above one

Nokta . from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.

Porta - 3D Logo Animation from Victor Ruiz

Ugoki - Animation Test from Victor Ruiz

lujon from vivian k

Clear water







YOU WILL LOVE THIS----- reel by Romain Loubersanes

Showreel 2010 from Romain Loubersanes

Music : " New Theory " - Washed Out

Romain Loubersanes is offering jobs too. so for any jobs, contact Him at

A Vfx reel (Vancouver Film school) , must see breakdowns

Demo reel 2010 from Diego Piccinato

How to compose a scene.

make off city

Pepsi ad (1998) with breakdowns

PEPSI Breakdown .
This was done back in 1998 at PDI / Dreamworks.

visual fx reel

my demoreel of visual fx from nervegascloud on Vimeo.

animation/3D/compositing done by myself

Welcome to the Dreamworld

Link for modelers. get inspire.


you all have seen it before.
amazing work by GNOMON Inc.
Directed by, Sil van der Woerd.
more information on..

White Swan from Sil van der Woerd on Vimeo.

2009 - An exhausted, shivering girl is captured in a dark machinery world. As she escapes in to her imagination, a mesmerizing world unfolds.


Adobe CS5 to launch 12 April

Adobe CS5 to launch 12 April

The latest version of Adobe's Creative Suite will be launched on 12 April, the company has confirmed.

Adobe is refusing to divulge any further details of the product until next month's launch date, with full specifications, pricing and features all kept under wraps until the worldwide launch of CS5.

The company will hold a global online launch on Adobe TV at 4PM (UK time) on 12 April, when full details of the product will be announced.

You can register in advance for the online launch party at Adobe's website. The site includes a few preview videos of upcoming features in the Adobe suite.


want to say something to colleagues, students, friends.
-- remember
--& You are never a looser until you quit trying.

we may have small resources, less contacts, less money but we must have courage, we must have willing to do different.
take animation or any other field, hard work and different trying is a key to success. so move your imagination in all over, find new dimension that suits you, that deliver what you want .
Think different, do different & get different .
at least I'm with you.

--If not now- when?



A new website for CG tutorials .


oki now Enough posting.... share your comments now .
- - -anyone want awesome theme music for your work ?
or what ?......... c'mon guys. make comments .

1 AE Tutorial for you all.

How to create growing elements in After Effects

How to create growing elements in After Effects

I go through steps to show you how to prepare a vector graphic in Adobe Illustrator. Then I cover how to correctly import that Illustrator file into Adobe After Effects and manipulate the graphic elements to look like they are growing from one location.

Samsung Blu-ray HD commercial and Man Vs Wild with Bear Grylls

Samsung Blu-ray HD commercial

Tools : 3ds Max, After Effects,Boujou,photoshop

Discovery Channel 'Man Vs Wild' with Bear Grylls -

Director: Ash Bolland
Cinematographer: Jody Lee Lipes


Its very good to have this type of reels on the web. it will definitely help you in making of your reel.

Studio Vrabchev demoreel

Demoreel of studio Vrabchev. This reel include animations, VFX, TV advertising, architectural animations made untill 2008 Year.

Take a look -- But Beware

MTVN HD 'Genetically Modified HD' SPOT B - Umeric from Umeric on Vimeo.

Director/Cinematographer:: Ash Bolland
Producer: Von Dekker
Audio: Raf May, Darrin Wiemer
Production/Visual FX:

video game history

Here is a video brief about video game history. good to know.

A Short Visual History of Videogames from Kyle Downes on Vimeo.


join the WHYPROUDOFINDIA on twitter . and know the amazing, powerpack information's & facts about the india , know the cause why we have proud to be the head country of this world.

100 Best Fonts of all time.

Top 100 Best Fonts Of All Time

Below you will find the full list of the best 100 fonts along with the designer & the year in which they were designed.

1. Helvetica [1957 - Max Miedinger]

2. Garamond [1530 - Claude Garamond]

3. Frutiger [1977 - Adrian Frutiger]

4. Bodoni [1790 - Giambattista Bodoni]

5. Futura [1927 - Paul Renner]

6. Times [1931 - Stanley Morison]

7. Akzidenz Grotesk [1966 - G nter Gerhard Lange]

8. Officina [1990 - Erik Spiekermann]

9. Gill Sans [1930 - Eric Gill]

10. Univers [1954 - Adrian Frutiger]

11. Optima [1954 - Hermann Zapf]

12. Franklin Gothic [1903 - Morris Fuller Benton]

13. Bembo [1496 - Francesco Griffo]

14. Interstate [1993 - Tobias Frere-Jones]

15. Thesis [1994 - Lucas de Groot]

16. Rockwell [1934 - Frank H. Pierpont]

17. Walbaum [1800 - Justus Walbaum]

18. Meta [1991 - Erik Spiekermann]

19. Trinit [1982 - Bram De Does]

20. Din [1926 - Ludwig Goller]

21. Matrix [1986 - Zuzana Licko]

22. OCR [1965 - American Type Founders]

23. Avant Garde [1968 - Herb Lubalin]

24. Lucida [1985 - Chris Holmes / Charles Bigelow]

25. Sabon [1964 - Jan Tschichold]

26. Zapfino [1998 - Hermann Zapf]

27. Letter Gothic [1956 - Roger Roberson]

28. Stone [1987 - Summer Stone]

29. Arnhem [1998 - Fred Smeijers]

30. Minion [1990 - Robert Slimbach]

31. Myriad [1992 - Twombly & Slimbach]

32. Rotis [1988 - Olt Aicher]

33. Eurostile [1962 - Aldo Novarese]

34. Scala [1991 - Martin Majoor]

35. Syntax [1968 - Hans Eduard Meier]

36. Joanna [1930 - Eric Gill]

37. Fleishmann [1997 - Erhard Kaiser]

38. Palatino [1950 - Hermann Zapf]

39. Baskerville [1754 - John Baskerville]

40. Fedra [2002 - Peter Bil'ak]

41. Gotham [2000 - Tobias Frere-Jones]

42. Lexicon [1992 - Bram De Does]

43. Hands [1991 - Letterror]

44. Metro [1929 - W. A. Dwiggins]

45. Didot [1799 - Firmin Didot]

46. Formata [1984 - Bernd M llenst dt]

47. Caslon [1725 - William Caslon]

48. Cooper Black [1920 - Oswald B. Cooper]

49. Peignot [1937 - A. M. Cassandre]

50. Bell Gothic [1938 - Chauncey H. Griffith]

51. Antique Olive [1962 - Roger Excoffon]

52. Wilhelm Klngspor Gotisch [1926 - Rudolf Koch]

53. Info [1996 - Erik Spiekermann]

54. Dax [1995 - Hans Reichel]

55. Proforma [1988 - Petr van Blokland]

56. Today Sans [1988 - Volker K ster]

57. Prokyon [2002 - Erhard Kaiser]

58. Trade Gothic [1948 - Jackson Burke]

59. Swift [1987 - Gerald Unger]

60. Copperplate Gothic [1901 - Frederic W. Goudy]

61. Blur [1992 - Neville Brody]

62. Base [1995 - Zuzana Licko]

63. Bell Centennial [1978 - Matthew Carter]

64. News Gothic [1908 - Morris Fuller Benton]

65. Avenir [1988 - Adrian Frutiger]

66. Bernhard Modern [1937 - Lucian Bernhard]

67. Amplitude [2003 - Christian Schwartz]

68. Trixie [1991 - Erik van Blokland]

69. Quadraat [1992 - Fred Smeijers]

70. Neutraface [2002 - Christian Schwartz]

71. Nobel [1929 - Sjoerd de Roos]

72. Industria [1990 - Neville Brody]

73. Bickham Script [1997 - Richard Lipton]

74. Bank Gothic [1930 - Morris Fuller Benton]

75. Corporate ASE [1989 - Kurt Weidemann]

76. Fago [2000 - Ole Schafer]

77. Trajan [1989 - Carol Twombly]

78. Kabel [1927 - Rudolf Koch]

79. House Gothic 23 [1995 - Tal Leming]

80. Kosmik [1993 - Letterror]

81. Caecilia [1990 - Peter Matthias Noordzij]

82. Mrs Eaves [1996 - Zuzana Licko]

83. Corpid [1997 - Lucas de Groot]

84. Miller [1997 - Matthew Carter]

85. Souvenir [1914 - Morris Fuller Benton]

86. Instant Types [1992 - Just van Rossum]

87. Clarendon [1845 - Benjamin Fox]

88. Triplex [1989 - Zuzana Licko]

89. Benguiat [1989 - Ed Benguiat]

90. Zapf Renaissance [1984 - Hermann Zapf]

91. Filosofia [1996 - Zuzana Licko]

92. Chalet [1996 - House Industries]

93. Quay Sans [1990 - David Quay]

94. C zanne [1995 - Michael Want, James Grieshaber]

95. Reporter [1938 - Carlos Winkow]

96. Legacy [1992 - Ronald Arnholm]

97. Agenda [1993 - Greg Thompson]

98. Bello [2004 - Underware]

99. Dalliance [2000 - Frank Heine]

100. Mistral [1953 - Roger Excoffon]


Hello Visitor.

Hey please tell me what you want to see------ vfx or animation breakdowns, anything unseen ? or just what .... tell me, may be i can provide and share better.


LG LED LCD Monitor W86L Series Global AD from Raka on Vimeo.

Nokta . Making of from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.

Digifex showreel from Digifex AB on Vimeo.

Descendants from Goro Fujita on Vimeo.


new work

My new work, its rough pic for an idea.
first solar eclipse made in after effect. and then composing into book . upload soon.