Showreel is coming soon !!

My Showreel is complete now ! doing sound editing guys, I am excited. 

just in few days... will be back to you for 24x7.

Thank you for visiting.

All the best.


wait and create,

Hello all, how are you ? hope you are enjoying your creations.
i was Shifting my room last week so i had to disconnect my internet.
i was gone Delhi for shopping, but now i am back to city. so just wait and create something for some days, I'll be right back with lots of CG explosions.

 meanwhile if anyone have links and cool stuff source, post me please. or any questions or any need of tutorials, reels or inspiration. Just ASK ME.

Kludge City 01.7 (Maya script) (Building model & skyscraper generator)

Kludge city is a procedural building and skyscraper generator being developed by Visual Effects Artist, Ed Whetstone, as part of his short film project, “The Deliverator”. It is open-source, and freely available for anyone to use or edit, so head on over to and download it now!
License Type: Freeware
File Size: 708.4 KB
Release v01.7
KludgeCity requires Maya 2009 and above. Each new version will be updated below.


In order to install KludgeCity, simply right-click the link below, and save the EdW_KludgeCity.mel file to your maya scripts directory. This is usually located in My Documents > Maya > Maya (Version) > Scripts. If you have Maya open, restart Maya. Then, type the following code into the Script Editor.
source EdW_KludgeCity;

KludgeCity version 0.1.7

To download older versions of the tool, go to

General Workflow

KludgeCity is a procedural system for generating buildings — you only need one piece of geometry built in order to get started — something I refer to as a “footprint”. Once you create a footprint and load it into the system, simply change the variables in the KludgeArchitect rollouts, and press the Execute button. The building will be generated wherever the footprint is located in your scene, using whatever units you have set up in Maya. Currently, KludgeCity is still very easy to break, so you must follow a couple of rules when creating your footprints.


In order to create a custom Kludge Building, you must supply the system with footprint geometry to work from. This geometry must be a single, planar, continuous grid of quads or tris, at least eight divisions across at its thinnest point. A few valid footprints:
For complete tutorial instructions on how to use Kludge, go

Learn the Essentials of Particle Flow

Tutorial Details
Software: Autodesk 3D Studio Max
Difficulty: Moderate
Completion Time: 30 min
Additional Files/ Plugins: Creativity Extension for 3DS Max (Particle Flow Tools Box 1)

Final Product What You'll Be Creating

In this Basix tutorial creator will discuss in an informal manner everything you need to know about the essential operators and workflow within Particle Flow. you will learn what each setting does inside the basic operators, and create a small mortar explosion, precisely controlled with various methods, as well as completely procedural.

25+ Tracking and Matchmoving Tutorials

28 Tracking and Matchmoving Tutorials
    Man, its been over a year since the last tracking tutorial roundup. This time around were gonna check out all kinds of different tutorials for all tracking apps, whether or not they utilize After Effects or not. You might not have the apps, but a lot you can get Personal Learning Editions and trials from so make sure you check it out!
    • Video Copilot – 3D Ledge

      This tutorial uses some basic AE tracking from markers on a green screen to create the illusion that Sam Loya is sitting on the edge of a building contemplating a jump.
    • Video Copilot – 3D Light Casting

      Andrew uses some reverse motion tracking in this tutorial to stabilize and then set the footage back to normal to make this lightball look properly composited in the scene.
    • RGTV – Building an Airport Scene

      Mathias Mohl shows you how to create an airport scene by compositing several elements together and motion tracking the scene with Mocha and his own MochaImport script.
    • Martin Brennand – Mocha v2 Quick Start

      Martin shows you the new features in the newest version of Mocha as well as walking you through the new and improved interface.
    • Martin Brennand – Top 5 Mocha Workflow Tips

      This applies to Mocha, MochaAE, and Mocha for Final Cut. These are some of the best workflow tips that you can implement. Work faster and smarter!
    • Martin Brennand – Unlink Tracking Techniques to Solve Panning Camera

      Sometimes it is difficult to track things that are long pans or moves, for this you need to use some handy techniques like the ones in this tutorial.
    • Chris Heur – Roto Workflow to Convert 2D To 3D

      Chris Heur of Free Fall FX shows you how he used Mocha to transform an old film like Nosferatu into a 3D anaglyph movie.
    • Martin Brennand – Tracking Foreground Obstructions with Mocha Shape

      You are always going to run into situations where you might have someone walk in front of your object or fingers playing with a cell phone. This tutorial will help you get past those.
    • Ben Heusner – Roto Techniques for Mocha, Mocha Shape and AE

      Ben from Curious Turtle (who has some awesome training available) shows you how to use Mocha to speed up roto with less keyframes and procedural mattes.
    • Ben Heusner – Workflow for Logo Replacement

      Ben shows us a way to replace the logos on some objects using the planar tracker in Mocha as well as a few of the roto tools.
    • Ben Heusner – Exporting Track Mattes to AE

      Ben shows us how to stabilize within Mocha and export track mattes back to After Effects.
    • Layers Magazine – Mocha AE v2

      Layers Magazine takes a look at the new version of Mocha that ships with AE CS5 and shows you how to take a piece of footage, track it, and blur it to your liking, for some depth of field effects.
    • Brad Zimmerman – Match Moving with PFHoe

      In Episodes 90 and 91 of Church Media Design TV, Brad takes a look at tracking motion in PFHoe and inserting some 3D text into your scene.
    • Jacob Owens – Double Stuffed Tracking Walkthrough

      Recapping on some of our older tutorials, Jacob walks us through using Mocha to create those awesome looking HP ads.
    • Mathias Mohl – Tracking a Head Wound

      Another older tut from the vaults, Mathias shows us another use with his MochaImport script to track a wound to a person walking by the camera.
    • Adam Everett Miller – Basic Match Moving with PFHoe

      Adam shows you how to work in the interface within PFHoe and track some basic stuff into a scene with minimal effort.
    • Greyscale Gorilla – Make the JibJab Effect using After Effects and the Tracker

      The title kind of says it all doesn’t it? Basically learn how to track your subject and then insert a head to make a JibJab effect!
    • Chris Martin – Match Your 3d Animation to Live Action Footage using Syntheyes, C4D, Realflow, and AE

      In this CGtuts+ tutorial, Chris takes a load of programs and matchmoves 3D text into place, uses RealFlow for the dynamics and composites in After Effects.
    • – Thought Bubbles

      Using the basic AE tracker, learn how to track a thought bubble to walk with someone while they think about whatever their minds wish.
    • AE Apprentice – Motion Tracker and Stabilizer

      From Trish and Chris Meyer’s book this is one of the video tutorials explaining the motion tracker and stabilizer tools.
    • – The UFO Hoax

      If you want to convince your friends and family that there really are aliens in the backyard, watch this and it will seem like a piece of cake!
    • Eran Stern & Artbeats – Bionic Lab

      Using Mocha, Eran shows you how to replace a screen quickly and then add in some graphics and compositing.
    • Eran Stern & Artbeats – Crime Avenue

      This tutorial uses some PFHoe to match some stock footage of a city with the text inside of After Effects.
    • Levi Borland – Rapid Cellular Regeneration

      Levi shows you how to recreate that Heroes type of effect where Claire heals herself. This uses basic motion tracking within After Effects.
    • Jeff Foster – Believable Hand Held Motion Tracking

      This is a little old, but Jeff Foster was so impressed with Mocha in AE, that he decided to make a tutorial about how well it works replacing things like the sides of trucks.
    • Chris Martin – Spooky Wall Tracking

      Chris shows you how to take some ordinary live action footage, track it with Syntheyes and insert some CG elements.
    • Chris Martin – Tracking the COW

      Here is another video tutorial showing you how to use Syntheyes along with Cinema 4D to matchmove some elements into a live action scene.
    • Carl Larsen – Horizon Replacement with Mocha

      Carl shows us how to replace a horizon with a bunch of seals by tracking the rocks and replacing the background.

      Source : The Great