Tilt-Shift photography is the technique of using selective focus. This is used to reduce the magnitude of large size photos to make it into miniature models. One moves the lens adjacent to the plane of the image in the shift phase while moving the lens through an angle to that of the image plane is termed as tilt.
During the tilt step, a large aperture is used so as to obtain a shallow depth of the field under focus. The ultimate aim is to tilt the lens so that only a small portion of the larger perspective is under focus. In some cases the lens might be rotated in an axis parallel to that of the film. In this case it is termed as the shift as mentioned above.
With the help of a view camera it is easy to achieve tilt and shift. Most view cameras enable you to adjust the lens and camera to increase or decrease the point of focus. A tilt shift lens which is also known as the perspective control lens is often used with a medium format camera which might have as much freedom as a view camera. Further in a medium or a small format camera even with the help of a perspective control lens you may not be able to achieve a lot of range.
A short focus Perspective control lens is used in architecture planning, while longer focus lenses are used in landscape modeling and close up shots. The Perspective control lens has an image circle that is unarguably larger than most other lenses enabling it to cover the entire image area. The film is usually large and lens movements are restricted. This ensures that one cannot shift the image area to outside of the image circle.
There are several Perspective control lens including the ones by Nikon and PC Nikkor both of which were used in SLR lenses. SLR cameras are very good for tilt-shift photography. The SLR lens gives you a great alternative for enabling tilt and swing in the cameras. The design behind the SLR lens is quite simple and thus it results in a curvature of the field of focus. The sharpest area of focus is near the axis.
With the same theory of tilt photography you can achieve selective focus. This is the process emphasizing on a part of the photograph while delimiting the resolution of the other parts of the age. The use of selective focus as discussed above is used primarily for faking scenes as miniature things.
In the era of digital processing it is not a difficult proposition to do miniature faking with the aid of a tool like Photoshop!!
50 BreathTaking Tilt Shift Photography

Palazzo Pool Miniature Tilt Shift Photography

Architectural tilt Shift Photography

Road Tilt-shift Photography

Amazing tilt Shift Photography

Bike Race Tilt-shift Photography

Tilt-shift Photography

park Tilt-shift Photography

San Francisco Tilt Shift Photography

Nakayan Tilt Shift Photography

Multnomah Falls Tilt Shift Photography

Excellent city Tilt Shift Photography

Laforet Excellent Tilt Shift Photography

Hoover Dam Excellent Tilt Shift Photography

Miniature Buckeyes Tilt Shift Photography

Plowing Land tilt Shift Photography

Amazing tilt Shift Photography

Airport tilt Shift Photography

Amusement park tilt Shift Photography

construction site miniature tilt Shift Photography

Boating Taiwan miniature tilt Shift Photography

Sea Plane miniature tilt Shift Photography

Miniature of neighborhood building tilt Shift Photography

Tiny Civil War miniature tilt Shift Photography

Crawler Dozers miniature tilt Shift Photography

Canadian Pacific miniature tilt Shift Photography

Bridge in Spain miniature tilt Shift Photography

mini Mountain Church miniature tilt Shift Photography

Tram at Central, Hong Kong tilt Shift Photography

Copper Mini Dump truck tilt Shift Photography

Nagoya Oasis tilt Shift Photography

Ice Skating tilt Shift Photography

Chinese Garden tilt Shift Photography

MiniGoden tilt Shift Photography

tiny red chairs tilt Shift Photography

mini 3 mile island tilt Shift Photography

Coney Island of the Mind tilt Shift Photography

Tilt-shift Photography

Little game tilt Shift Photography

Car Race Pits tilt Shift Photography

Holding flags during the national anthem tilt Shift Photography

Small City tilt Shift Photography

Vatican Stairs tilt Shift Photography

Miniature All Blacks tilt Shift Photography

the pitch tilt Shift Photography

mini largest radio telescope tilt Shift Photography

Atomic Test tilt Shift Photography

Qwest and Safeco Fields mini tilt Shift Photography

Playground tilt Shift Photography

flower maze  tilt Shift Photography

Kleiner Harz tilt Shift Photography

20 inspirational Fake Tilt Shift Photography
These are some of the fake Tilt Shift Photographs which are Photoshopped. I have Included the tutorials which describes how to make fake Tilt Shift Images in the beginning of the post itself.

La Vera Cruz - Efecto Fake tilt Shift Photography

Toy Crane Fake tilt Shift Photography

Messin around with chairs Fake tilt Shift Photography

Harbor Miniature Fake tilt Shift Photography

Miniature Essaouira Fake tilt Shift Photography

Basket Ball Court Fake tilt Shift Photography

Boat tilt Shift Photography

Newyork City Fake tilt Shift Photography

mini airport miniature tilt Shift Photography

cliff miniature tilt Shift Photography

Brugge miniature tilt Shift Photography

Tug Boat miniature tilt Shift Photography

Petrol Tank miniature tilt Shift Photography

Faux miniature tilt Shift Photography

Employed by planet Earth miniature tilt Shift Photography

trains Tilt Shift Photography

Monsal Head Tilt Shift Photography

Car Excellent Tilt Shift Photography

Multnomah Falls Tilt Shift Photography

Train Tilt-shift Photography

Train Tilt-shift Photography

5 Useful Tutorials for Tilt Shit Photography
Tilt-shift photography is getting more and more popular these days and I hope that many of you would like to have one of those costly tilt-shift lenses to play with. Unfortunately they are pretty expensive and you probably will not want to spend hundreds of dollars just for some funny shots. So I have included some of the best tutorials available on Net for creating the fake Tilt-Shift Photographs using Photoshop.


Tilt-shift Photography Maker


Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial


A Simple How-To for creating Tilt-Shift Effect in Photoshop CS


Create Tilt-shift Miniature Effect in Photoshop


Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial


Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial

Some Astonishing Tilt-Shift Videos

The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

gottardo nord from fb1 visuals on Vimeo.

GUNDAM: Tilt-Shift from RYO on Vimeo.

Small Life in Saxon Switzerland from Christoph Schaarschmidt on Vimeo.

Kick Ass Premiere Tilt-Shift from Tilt-Shift on Vimeo.

Content Source : The Great