1- Ads Of The World

Web site which publishes all of the worlds ads. Great inspiration here.

2 Bittbox

Provides regular resources for design… tutorials, brushes, vectors and more!

3 Computer Arts

The site of the excellent international magazine Computer Arts. I have subscribed to this mag and love it!

4 David Airey

A graphic and logo designer who shares his knowledge on these areas.

5 Design Is Kinky

An Australia site focused purely on design news and design in general. Stay up to date!

6 Freelance Folder

A community blog which posts regular articles on freelancing. Very diverse.

7 FreeLance Switch

The community site of reference for all freelances. You must know this one!

8 Spunk United

An excellent magazine with a selection of the worlds best artists providing inspiration, interviews, articles and more.


9 You The Designer

Very complete and diverse range of articles on graphic design.

10- Psd Tuts

The Best  Photoshop tutorials on the web. Mmmmm.

11- ScreenFluent

A very good selection of Web designs.


12- I Love Typography

Speaks for itself. A must know.


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