ndreas Preis was born in 1984. He is a Illustrator, Designer and Digital artist from Nuremberg, Germany, his work is made by hand with fineliners, markers, pencils and brushes.
His technique is unique, using ink and making the shadows with a really nice texture and his portfolio is full of typographic pieces with his cool illustrations and full of color. Andreas Preis is an accomplished graphic designer and also a Dj, Vj and part of the Elektropastete collective.
If you want to see more visit 
his website.
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis
Fineliner illustrations by Andreas Preis

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