Most spectacular Real flow Tutorials

Fanastic Real flow simulation and dynamics tutorials to keep you and your dynamically challenged brains at bay.

    How To Make A Liquid Levitate & Dance

    Learn how to make a liquid levitate and dance in this extensive tutorial, by Christian Zuppinger, using RealFlow 4, Cinema 4D R10.1, and the Advanced Render module. This links to a downloadable .doc file, that you can open up in Word, or if you don’t have that, send it to yourself by email and view it as HTML. The file has reference movies as well as project files.

    Make a Splash

    This tutorial by shows you how to simulate the details of the microscopic world in RealFlow and XSI, and saves you from having to buy a ridiculously expensive high speed camera.

    Create an Anemone with RealFlow

    Recreate an underwater environment of elegant and subtle motion. This tutorial is hosted over at, and employs a clever use of fibers and meshing to create an anemone. Download PDF FileDownload Video Example

    Mud with RealFlow has a cool walkthrough showing how they had an object shake a bunch of mud off of itself using 3ds Max 6 & RealFlow 2.5.

    Whisky On the Rocks

    Hosted at, this basic tutorial from Fusion CIS studios has Mark Stasiuk showing you how to pour whiskey and an ice cube into a glass using Cinema 4D and RealFlow 3.

    Billiard – Rigid Body Dynamics

    Another from Mark Stasiuk, this one deals with setting up a real world billiards game shot where all the motions are driven by physics within RealFlow. These are downloadable from Download Part 1 Download Part 2

    Liquid Text

    Marco Schweitzer has a few tutorials online. This one teaches you how you can make a liquid type of text in RealFlow 3 and Lightwave 8. Sample movies and projects are available with this tutorial. English VersionDeutsch Version

    Mix Fluids

    Marco Schweitzer shows you how to mix fluids with RealFlow 3 and Lightwave 8 using a mesh. Project files and sample videos are available for this tutorial. English Version Deutsch Version

    Importing .bin Files

    This tutorial will show you how you can import .bin files from RealFlow 3 to Lightwave 8 and how you can set up the surface of the fluid. Project files are available. English Version Deutsch Version

    Basics: Emmiters (Geyser)

    This is an excellent basic to advanced series from The first tutorial in the series uses RealFlow 3 to show you how to make a geyser like stream, while focusing on particle control, animation, interface, workflow and simulation export. Project files and sample videos are available.

    Basics: Daemons (Water Drop)

    In the second video of the series, you will learn to create an animation of a dynamically correct water drop using emitters and daemons in RealFlow 3. Project files are included.

    Intermediate: Play Catch – Daemons, Objects and Expressions

    The third and final installment of the series teaches you how to take your abilities to control fluids with daemons to the next level. The tutorial includes objects and scene data files, as well as project files and sample videos.

    Basics: Chase – Intro to Object Dynamics

    This tutorial illustrates how object motion can be controlled by some daemons just like fluid particles, and provides a useful example that can be used in many scenes: the simulation of a dynamic moving camera. Uses RealFlow 3, and has scene data, project files and video clips available for download.

    Guided Scene – Parking Flood

    Learn how to set up a scene so that you can make a flood of water interact with all of the objects (including the car), and knocking everything over in the process. Project and scene files are available for download.

    Compositing/Guided Scene in RealFlow 3

    This is a guide about compositing particles and the RealFlow3 workflow. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

    Making Elastics Particle Based Objects

    Learn how to set up, and the difference between, emitter based elastics and object geometry based elastics. Sample videos, scenes, and project files are available with this tutorial.

    Suface Tension/Daemons

    Learn how to manipulate surface tension within RealFlow with daemons. This is a basic tutorial with some sample movies.


    In this tutorial you will use expressions to control one emitter’s emission speed by taking a Derived Variable from another one. This is a pretty short tutorial.

    Dynamics – Collision Method

    Now time to add some dynamics knowledge into the mix… check out how to use some of the RF3 collision methods for solid dynamics simulations.

    Dynamics – Energy Threshold