Handlebar Mustache Bottle Opener / Corkscrew designed by Steve Buss. "The ‘stache is back! Only this time, it’s not just a fashion statement. It’s also a finely crafted corkscrew and bottle-opener. Because beverage containers are no match for the sheer power of a manly moustache. "
 | Gear | Design | The TAÇA Mug by design studio Entresuelo1a. It is a Mug has a jutting extension that "you can dunk in the whole cookie". Good idea! | |
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 | Gear | Design |
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 | Gear | Design | Chinese artist Shi Jindian has made a wire frame replica of the Chiangjiang 750, is essentially a knockoff of the Russian military M72-M is for mototsikl-which was an evolutionary version of BMW's 1938 R71 side. "Shi Jindian’s sculptures are made of steel, yet they are light, transparent, almost ethereal. After searching for years for “a material that was brand new, completely untraditional”, he settled on steel wires. By trial and error, he learned how to crochet the two-dimensional strands into three-dimensional forms, using tools of his own devising. His wire meshes start out as wrappings around some common object. When the mesh is complete, Shi Jindian destroys or extracts the object, leaving only its steel exoskeleton. The result, he says, is a kind of fiction, a virtual reality that can be walked around and touched. Surrealist René Magritte painted a pipe along with the words: “This is not a pipe.” Shi Jindian does something similar in sculpture, making not-quite-replicas of items from musical instruments to machines" | |
X Tape | 
 | Gear | Design | X Tape by Jeong-Min Lee & Hyoung-Min Park of mmiinn - a design collective based in Seoul, South Korea. It looks like hinges, COol!
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Cool Motorcycle Helmets by Good | 

 | Gear | Design | Cool Motorcycle Helmet Designs by Good. I love them!
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Eraser USB stick |  | Gear | Design | Designed with a purpose for everyday use, these eraser/usbs are meant to serve as a constant reminder of your memories. | |
Wheel Umbrella | 
 | Gear | Design | Wheel Umbrella designed by taiwanese designers yu-ting cheng, yu-hsun chung and shaw-chen chen.
The Ultimate Zombie Killer - Rocket-Propelled Chainsaw |  | Gear | Design | This is a design for the powered chainsaw launcher. A circular saw launcher for kill the zombies. Thanks to unrealitymag. "It’s the greatest weapon possibly ever conceived, the RPC, or Rocket Propelled Chainsaw. Yes, it is EXACTLY what it sounds like, and provided you have an unlimited amount of chainsaws, you’ll be the zombie killing champion of the post-apocalyptic world." | |